Uncle Bob collapses on the floor, clutching at his chest. All of a sudden, panic breaks out. People scatter in confusion. Imagine someone taking action, giving CPR, and dialing 911. Sounds like a movie scene? Be prepared with Para CPR & First Aid.
CPR/First Aid seems like a skill you’d need only if your job was in healthcare. All people should have these skills. Just think about it. Unexpected emergencies don’t show up at your door like that friend you always have on the couch. Knowing what to act can make the difference in life and death.
I attended a First Aid class once, and it was eye-opening. Never thought I would need first aid. What a mistake I made. One sunny afternoon in the park, I saw a kid who had injured his arm. A kid injured his arm when he fell off the monkey-bars. His mother was panicked, unsure as to whether she should move her son or not. I was able to use my first aid training like a super-secret weapon. Stabilized the wrist, calmed and reassured the mother until the help arrived. It was like being a superhero!
Everyday scenarios can quickly turn into crises. Choking on food is a common occurrence. It’s a common occurrence. It’s a common misconception that Heimlich maneuvers can save lives. It’s important to know that first aid is not limited to the serious. Basic first help covers even minor things like burns. cuts and sprains. Having the training on autopilot is a great way to help you in the heat of the instant.
CPR. You’ve probably heard of sudden death by cardiac arrest. It happens as quickly as it seems. Anybody can get it. CPR can help you keep oxygen flowing to your brain until the paramedics arrive. It isn’t rocket surgery. Trust me, although it might sound daunting, all you need is practice. Repetition in classes makes it second-nature.
Many schools have a set curriculum, yet they do not teach lifesaving techniques. What a missed chance! Imagine a high-school graduate with the math skills and ability to save others. That’s powerful.
In the midst of our hectic days, we tend to overlook the long-term impact of short-term investing in CPR. But the impact on society is enormous. Ever considered the ripple effect? Save one and improve many other lives – family, friends, communities.
Also, don’t just store this knowledge. Share your knowledge. Get your friends and relatives interested. Organise an education session at the weekend. Make a safety party by adding pizza and drinks. It’s a party! I can assure you that the shared experiences will make everyone closer.
Here’s a myth to dispel: CPR for adults only. Yes, even children need CPR. But not compressions on the level of adults. Special techniques make it safe for them to use.
Do not ignore emotional aspects. Imagine the gratitude and pride you’d have if you knew you had played a role in saving a child’s or adult life. It’s an emotion high unlike any roller coaster. You do more than make a change; you embody that difference.
Interestingly, employers are taking notice. Many encourage CPR and other first aid training. Some make it a part of the induction procedure. Not just ticking off safety audits is enough. It’s creating a workforce who is confident to handle emergency situations.
What’s keeping you from moving forward? Time? Please don’t use this as an excuse. Most courses are only a couple of hour over a period of a week. How about the skills themselves? They will last for a lifetime. It’s like upgrading your skills in life.
Accept the knowledge you have as an honor. A cape and courage are all you need to become a hero. The next time you pass by a first aid poster, don’t just sigh. Sign up. Sign up.